Hello & Welcome!

My name is Ephrem Deribew.

I am a Senior Product Designer.

Currently located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Contact: hello@ephremdesign.com

Primary Skills

With 7+ years of design experience, I have a comprehensive knowledge of diverse design, project management, and development processes, including those utilizing agile methodology.

User Research

I am a skilled UX design researcher with expertise in conducting user interviews and surveys, analyzing data and creating comprehensive reports. I also have experience in developing prototypes and wireframes as well as conducting usability testing. My areas of expertise include user interface design, information architecture and user experience.

Interaction Design

I have extensive experience in Interaction Design, with a strong background in visual design and user experience. I have a deep understanding of user needs, and the ability to create intuitive and engaging user interfaces. I have a proven track record of success in creating user-centered designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. I am also proficient in industry-standard tools and technologies such as Adobe Creative Suite and Figma.

Visual Design

I have extensive experience in Visual Design and have developed a strong eye for detail. I have a strong understanding of typography, color theory, and grid systems, and am proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and other graphic design software. I am a creative problem solver who enjoys designing innovative visuals that capture and engage the viewer, and I have a passion for creating beautiful and compelling designs that drive user engagement.


  • UX Design Immersive | General Assembly | Seattle, WA | 2020

  • BFA in Product Design | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR | 2015


  • SR. Product Designer | General Motors (GM) | Remote | February 23’ - Current

  • UX Designer | Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) | Remote | March 21’ - February 23’

  • Retail Experience | Grand and Benedicts | Portland, OR | June 16’ - June 19’

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“How Ethiopian coffee taught me to value the human experience.”

Growing up in Ethiopia, I witnessed the power of buna, or coffee, to bring people together in a way that transcends mere caffeine consumption. As my mother prepared the traditional display of coffee shot glasses, pot, small pan, and clay hot charcoals, I could feel the excitement building among those who had gathered to partake in this special ritual. The smell of the smoke, blown towards everyone by my mother, stimulated our senses and signaled that the coffee was almost ready.

As the coffee beans were ground, boiled, and served, stories were shared, laughter filled the air, and bonds were strengthened. I realized that this ritual was not just about coffee, but about creating a shared experience that brought people together. It was a lesson in the power of human-centered design to create memorable experiences that are both pleasurable and satisfying.

This lesson has stayed with me throughout my life and has influenced my passion for design. By understanding human behavior and using empathy to create products and services that are centered around the needs and desires of people, we can create experiences that leave a lasting impact. Whether it's through a shared cup of coffee or a well-designed product, the power of human connection can never be underestimated.